Explanation of my research process
It depends on what is the research for, and definitely the time that I have to finish the project.
First of all, I go to YouTube website, looking for some short video lessons in order to get a quick understanding of the title. For example, there are several short interesting video clips about Web 2.0, in YouTube. The one with the title "What is Web 2.0? — from ZDNet, hosted by Andi Gutmans from ZEND was a good one. He brought up the following terms: RIA (Rich Internet Applicatin), SOA (Search Oriented Architecture), and Web Services; in order to explain the principles of Web 2.0. They were: Web as a Platform, Harnessing Collective Intelligence, Data is the Next Intel Inside, and Rich User Experiences. The other recommended clips was "What is a Mashup?" from ZDNet as well, it really helped you to have a better understanding of what was going on in the web.
Secondly, I look for the definition of the terms from Wikipedia website, the great thing about this website is, there are links for each corresponding terms that lead to their own definition page, that really help me in understanding some "long tails" complicated terms. Then, if I need more references, I continue the research with Google or sometimes even del.ico.us. website.
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